Boaz Gross

VP of Operations

Boaz Gross

VP of Operations

Boaz Gross began his career at the Israeli Institute of Archaeology in 2010, as the center of the organization’s rescue excavation activities, and has served as the organization’s VP of Operations since 2018.

Boaz graduated with a bachelor’s and master’s degree with honors in archaeology from Tel Aviv University, and is currently a PhD candidate writing his thesis on the development of public archaeological policy in the State of Israel.

Since 2017, he is the field director of the Neustadter Masada Expedition.

Between the years 2018-2020, Boaz managed the rescue excavation expedition at Tel Beit Shemesh (east) – one of the largest archaeological excavations in the history of the country, and since then he has been managing the archaeological-community project at the site.

Since 2020 he has served as the chairman of the permanent session “The Archaeology of Israel” at the annual meeting of ASOR (American Schools of Oriental Research) held in the USA .