Enrichment Programs

Tagliot reaches out to the periphery
Instilling archaeological heritage should not be limited to affluent audiences. The real test is being able to reach the periphery and present the heritage to the local population. It is much more difficult to succeed in these activities in the periphery. Life in the periphery affects the population’s priorities and the public has limited awareness and access to activities of this kind.
In addition, most of the professional researchers, lecturers and instructors live in the central region and the cost of employing them in the periphery is very high and sometimes impossible due to transportation costs.
We believe that we should take it upon ourselves to deal with this complex challenge and establish heritage centers in the periphery with the aid of municipal leaders, the Ministry of Development for the Negev and the Galilee, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Heritage and additional contributors.
Our program is based on establishing Regional Enrichment Centers which will connect various communities, e.g. A center in Sderot, alongside one in Sha’ar HaNegev Regional Council and the Sapir College.

The Israeli Institute of Archaeology has gained extensive experience in producing multi-participant conferences on archeological issues that are at the heart of the public agenda. Producing a conference involves lengthy planning, advertising, booking a hall, paying lecturers and a facilitator, preparing displays for participants and recruiting an extensive staff. However, archeological conferences are gaining a lot of exposure among wide and quality audiences. These conferences and the publications that precede them can be a quality platform for sponsors – organizations, donors, foundations and businesses.

Publication of Books
A major goal of the Israeli Institute of Archaeology is the publication of high-quality and up-to-date books that will expose the archaeology of the Land of Israel to the general public, in Israel and around the world. At present such a task cannot be performed without financial support.
Ways to donate:
Online donation – one-time gift or recurring donation by credit card
Offline donation – please fill out the attached form and send it to us
Commemoration – commemorate your loved ones through support – contact us
“The Fourth Sector” – synergy between business ventures and contribution to the community
In recent years we have witnessed the development of “The Fourth Sector” which represents joint ventures of non-profit organizations with socially responsible private entrepreneurship. The idea is based on an attempt to minimize non-profit organizations’ dependence on philanthropy and create projects that will ensure their stability over time while generating profit for partners from the entrepreneurial business sector.
* The Israeli Institute of Archaeology is recognized for contributions according to section 46.
In addition, the Institute is approved for receiving donations from the U.S.