Axum is the field of rescue excavations and archeological services at the Israel Institute of Archeology.
Ax excavations are conducted by graduates of the Department of Archeology at universities, holders of a “Digging Archaeologist” certification from the Israel Antiquities Authority, and research students and graduates of archeology.
Ax excavations are carried out under the academic auspices of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archeology at Tel Aviv University.
Ax excavations are carried out under the license and under the supervision of the Antiquities Authority.
An ax performs excavations for government bodies, government companies, local authorities and private companies.
Kardum and the Israel Institute of Archeology are the most active independent excavation bodies in Israel today, outside the Israel Antiquities Authority. An ax aims to carry out its excavations professionally, efficiently and thoroughly while maintaining uncompromising adherence to scientific integrity and method.